I am an AWARD WINNING AND TOP PRODUCING AGENT IN ELKO COUNTY. One of the highest rated and reviewed 5 star local REALTORS in my area. Born and raised in Elko NV, I have roots that run deep in both our town and in our community. I take great pride in the relationships which I have formed, not just with my clients, but with my coworkers and other professionals in our field as well. Creating a firm foundation for every transaction to be based upon and to better ensure a smoother experience for all involved from beginning of the sale to the end. I specialize in both residential as well as commercial real estate and represent both buyers and sellers. I am a top producing agent in my community and have been an active agent since 2016.
Colette Reynolds - NVLIC#S0178459
Realtor®, Listings Specialist
email: sellingelko@gmail.com
phone: 775-934-9575
Colette-ish style Quirky listing/agent videos